President’s Annual Report – 2024

Welcome to my annual report! As the organization’s founder, I plan to share a yearly report on our progress, chapters, accomplishments, and plans for growth in the new year. We continue to see growth in subscribers, and consistent viewership with over 12,000 hours viewed in the last 365 days. Some additional insights:

  • Most of our viewership trends towards male.
  • We have a good distribution of age bands, with 25% in the 35-44 range, 37% in the 45-54 range and 27% in the 55-64 age range.
  • 3 of the top 4 countries are Spanish speaking, with the US being the top country in views.
  • Two of the top 9 videos of the year are spanish.

Our goals for the next 12 months

I’m pleased to announce that our Latin America chapter is coming back online with a new chapter President, Edgar Olivares! He starts on April 25th, please support him and welcome him to our community. You can see his first event here:

April 2024 we are also starting a new monthly newsletter for the organization, reaching out to more than 1,000 contacts who have signed up and providing them with the list of events for the month plus news of the organization. We hope the newsletter will drive more attendance to the events.

We continue to look for more chapters in other languages, would love a French chapter and chapters in the far east.

Finally, we will be starting up the Access Beginner’s chapter this September, watch out for news on it as we approach the date.

Below are more details on the stats:

Subscriber Growth

We’ve gained 893 subscribers in one year!  As shown in the graphic, we continue accelerating growth in the channel year over year.


We average between 350 and 400 views per month

Hours per month is around 35, with a total hours viewed for the year at 12,400


Here are the top 9 videos watched

Really good to see two of the top 9 videos from the Access Spain group!


Good distribution of age bands in our viewership


Most of our audience is male…


Three of the top four countries are Spanish speaking




2 thoughts on “President’s Annual Report – 2024

  1. Fantastic Juan! Is there a possibility of having English subtitles on the Spanish speaking sessions. There seems to be such great content in there as well. Thanks.

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