Chicago Event: Stored Procedures in MS Access

Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 6 PM

Juan Soto will be presenting next week at the Chicago Access User Group (CAUG). This is a great opportunity to network with other software developers and Access users, as well as a perfect venue to share tips, techniques, and ideas.

Join CAUG’s kick-off meeting with Juan Soto, Microsoft Access MVP, who has been invited to speak at this engaging presentation.

Take your Access skills to the next level and discover new tricks, such as:

  • How to use stored procedures as a report source or as part of your code
  • How to maximize performance between SQL Server and Access

When: Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 6-8 PM CST

Location: New Horizons Computer Learning Centers in Chicago

New Horizons is located at:
200 West Monroe St. 
Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60606

To Attend: RSVP by email at | RSVPs must be received by 12 PM on Wednesday, September 24. We would like an accurate head count for ordering food.

CAUG welcomes all levels of Access users, and their free monthly meetings are held every fourth Thursday of the month. Check out their website for more information: CAUG

Sign up to our e-mail list to receive information on future Access related events.

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