We meet the First Thursday of every month from 6:30PM to 7:30PM Pacific.
Access Pacific
================ MEETING DETAILS ===============================
Kent Gorrell will be our presenter for the October 7th, 2021 presentation. Kent is an experienced software developer who uses Access and SQL Server to develop solutions for his clients in Australia.
Kent will share some of his insights on the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) gained over the course of his career. While Access developers often deal with smaller, less complex situations and applications, it is important that we understand, adopt and follow a disciplined approach to every project regardless of size and complexity. After all, most of us have experienced the phenomenon of seeing our “little database for a short-time solution” grow into a mission critical organization application, and we must be prepared to handle that growth.
Join us to learn how Kent manages that for his clients. We’ll have a short Q &A at the end. Bring your questions and concerns for the group to discuss.
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To join our meetings, please use the following link and phone number or use your computer’s speakers with audio,
When it’s time, join the meeting from here:
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- Join by phone+1-510-338-9438 USA Toll Access code: 182 481 6381