Welcome to the Europe Access User Group

This virtual group meets on the first Wednesday of each month, from 18:00 – 19:00 UK Time and will be led by Colin Riddington and Alessandro Grimaldi. We provide a forum for IT pros, developers, and new users to share and learn about Microsoft Access.

The group will focus on innovative and lesser known features in Access with an invited speaker discussing a topic relevant to Access developers for the first 45 minutes of the session. The remaining time used to answer questions, share ideas and suggest topics for future sessions.

Join Today

About Us

The Access Europe group is a new chapter of AccessUserGroups.org targeted at developers resident in Europe (but open to all). It has been set up partly due to several of the US based groups running at times that are unsuitable for those in Europe.

Each meeting has an invited speaker discussing a topic relevant to Access developers for the first 45 minutes of the session. The remaining time used to answer questions, share ideas and suggest topics for future sessions.

Each session will be recorded and uploaded to the AUG channel on YouTube at a later date

We would love to see you at our virtual meetings. Please join us online at Access Europe!

Join Our Meetings

Please join us at the next meeting! Visit the event calendar to see future AUG meetings.

View Event Calendar

Already a member of this group? View the upcoming events on your member dashboard.


When it’s time to join one of our meetings you can use the Zoom link below to connect

NOTE: All meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month from 18:00-19:00 UK time
(UTC+1 for all meetings between April and October, otherwise UTC).
To determine the local time for your area, please use an online converter such as WorldTimeBuddy

Join the Next Meeting


You can also click the button below to download a small calendar (.ics) file and add the meetings to your Outlook calendar.  This will add a recurring appointment to the first Wednesday of each month.

Outlook Calendar (.ics)

Our Previous Meetings

Here is a YouTube playlist featuring videos of our previous meetings