Access Lunchtime – Using Web APIs in Access with George Young

Come join us on the last Tuesday of every month @ 12 noon CST.  Maria Barnes will be your host and we will cover lots of interesting topics related to Microsoft Access.  This is a free webinar for 1 hour, we look forward to meeting you!

We will take a look at using Web (REST) APIs in Access. With just a bit of VBA and a couple of great libraries, you can make use of any Internet data source in your applications. We’ll give an overview of APIs, implement in Access reading and displaying data from a publicly available API, and, time permitting, create our own Web API from a SQL backend.

George is a Microsoft MVP for Access and Azure Storage. George first encountered Microsoft Access when using the thirty-plus floppy disk versions of Office to teach Statistics and MIS in the early 1990’s. It’s been true love ever since. George has worked as a software developer for the past twenty-five years, half of that time at Microsoft (in just about every group other than Office). He is the founder and president of Dawson Butte Software, working primarily on .NET applications (often with Access somewhere in the mix). George still has a commercial site or two that is driven by an Access database sitting in the server file system.

We meet every last Tuesday of the month at 12 noon CST (UTC -6:00 hours)

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