Access Europe – Chris Arnold (An Image / Photo Cataloguer for Access)

Please join us for our monthly Access Europe session on Wed 6 Nov 2024 at 18:00 (6:00PM) London time (UTC)

NOTE: The UK and Europe are now on Winter Time, as will be most of the USA before the meeting date. The start time in many countries will therefore be unaffected.  However, please check local times carefully

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Topic Outline:

In this month’s presentation, Chris Arnold will demonstrate his very versatile image/photo cataloguer.

Many of you will have hundreds if not thousands of pictures taken on your phone with only a meaningless number and a date to identify them. Unless you are diligent in keeping up to date with your photos, when you want to find a specific picture you have to scroll through all of them, possibly across many folders to find it.

The cataloguer allows the user to catalogue the pictures – perhaps a place name, a project, a person, an event or maybe your trainspotting or floral collection.

It uses a legacy web browser control to display images and a continuous form as a multi value treeview control to provide selected cataloguing data and a ‘swipe right’ action to apply the selection to the image and a ‘swipe left’ option to delete unwanted images. Users have the option of physically deleting the images or simply removing them from the display. Similarly the user has the option to leave the images where they are or move them to a specified ‘catalogued’ folder.

The cataloguing data is stored in a table with a link to the image so you can use the app to also return images with specified catalogue data. The catalogue tree is a one to many relationship so specifying a child will also enable the user to retrieve images based on the parent/grandparent etc.


Now semi retired – Chris is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). He has been using Access for over 25 years to fill the holes that exist between different corporate systems.

Many of his apps are financially orientated, but also integrate with other areas such as human relations, marketing and legal. He has experience in many industries including manufacturing, retail, utilities, telecoms and healthcare and over the last 20 years has identified client annual savings of £1/2 billion.

Over the last few years, Chris has been a significant contributor to Access World Forums and where he posts under the user name CJ_London and has provided a number of sample databases.

His previous presentation to Access Europe was in April 2022 when he demonstrated his very powerful Access Studio app.



All sessions will be recorded and later uploaded to the AccessUserGroups channel on – YouTube.

If you do not wish to be part of the recording, please ensure your webcam and microphone are both switched off.


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